Training and Workshops2023-09-11T11:34:35+01:00

Training & Workshops.

The Kairos Centre provides a full spectrum of Training and Workshops.

Gary McFarlane – The Kairos Centre Founder

Gary McFarlane has spent over 20 years as a lawyer and then a career change into therapy for the past 15 years. He is highly trained in motivational people skills and has a unique understanding of the dynamics of human relational issues.

Gary has helped hundreds of men, women and young people gain Sobriety and completely recover from sex, porn & love addiction behavioural issues, focusing on this field for the last 9 years.

Today Gary provides high calibre leadership skills to deliver course content across several differing workshops. If you are a counsellor or therapist looking for an experienced mentor or an organisation looking for professional workshop delivery or techniques read on to find out more.

Latest News….

409, 2023

Working With Sex in The Therapy Room | The Black, African and Asian Therapy Network

Outline Is sex the elephant in the room which neither therapist or client will mention? Is this due to your own views and experience with sex and sexuality? Lack of accurate knowledge? Clues are often offered by clients, to check the Therapist’s comfort level. Become comfortable, raising a conversation about sex with clients. Perhaps only 20% of clients actually need a Psychosexual Therapist and most sexual issues can be addressed by counsellors who are comfortable with the issues and subject matter. Become one of them. The day will offer participants an opportunity to…. Learn to hold and continue the conversation about sex with confidence Increase your knowledge base about sex, [...]

The Kairos Centre – Workshops

We offer a huge array of Workshops and Training for Therapists and Counsellors.

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