Sex Prep for Marriage

Sex Prep for Marriage


We live in a sex saturated society where we are bombarded with lots of sexual and sexualised material. We can be forgiven for being intimidated to think that we should know all we need to know about sex. Some people choose to get the full experience within the context of marriage.

Maybe gaining knowledge from a very experienced Psychosexual Therapist (perhaps to supplement other pre-marriage prep that you do with The Kairos Centre, or with a Minister) – will serve you well for the entirety of your future sex life together! You don’t know what you don’t know; you can’t avoid what you don’t know; you can’t fix what you can’t see, don’t understand and is repeatedly adversely impacting the relationship.

Contact The Kairos Centre to book your 6 to 8 Pre-Marriage sessions, exploring and preparing you for sex when you get married – soon or in the anticipated future. Take a look at the description about the subject matters which we shall get up close and cozy to examine. Get knowledge, insight and understanding, so that you can be the best that you can be in the area of sex within Marriage.

Do so without shame and bring colour and increased sparkle to your marriage!

Then, having done enough practice, the Advanced Sexual Practice work will be awaiting you – when you re ready. You will be the envy of the Smiths’ & the Jones’ up and down your street! But keep it quiet – we’re British!

Which one is right for us? 6 or 8 sessions? Well – 6 sessions will get you the essentials at £420; 8 sessions will get you a few more whistles and definitely worth it at £560. But ladies, don’t leave the choice to the men. They have a keen eye on the pounds, shillings & pence and may more likely go for the lesser fee!

This investment priority is worth blowing the budget to achieve these life time skills which will be the envy of your neighbours. Great after dinner conversation topics – if you dare.

Say “yes”. Register now.

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6, 8

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