Song of Solomon for Lovers Ebook

Song of Solomon for Lovers Ebook


Song of Solomon for Lovers, Gary McFarlane

Myths, misunderstandings, misinformation, misdirection and repeated practice, becomes entrenched and sex no longer holds the pleasure it once promised. Sometimes a little help is needed to redirect and get us back on track or on a new track.

Prov 4: 7 “And in all your getting, get understanding”. Gary McFarlane will seek to help you to get understanding.

Format: Ebook


Song of Solomon for Lovers, Gary McFarlane

Sex goes wrong. It does not always work. It does not always click into place. The “No, No, No” and “don’t, don’t, don’t” before marriage, becomes “yes, yes, yes” after marriage, but so often and too often the “how, how, how” is missing from any guidance and pre-marriage preparation. Myths, misunderstandings, misinformation, misdirection and repeated practice, becomes entrenched and sex no longer holds the pleasure it once promised. Recapture it. Get it for the first time. Your enthusiasm that is! That sex can be great – when practiced in the context that God designed it and when His instruction manual is followed and practiced.

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